Tuesday, May 8, 2018


   Michael flew from one church to the other. He was told his mother was a witch, another said he was dealing with an ancestral curse. He heard one story or the other everywhere he went. Michael is handsome, brilliant and was voted the most likely to succeed in his high school. He is thirty now and stuck in the same dead beat job he got after he passed out of the NYSC programme. The plan had been to work for two or three years and then start up his company. It’s been eight years now and he is still there. He had applied for other jobs but never got any. He had told his friends and family his plan but they all told him to

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Patience, that ability to wait, to endure, to tolerate, is really a virtue. I know that very well maybe better than most because I lose it sometimes. Sometimes, patience can seem like stupidity but it is

Saturday, February 24, 2018


She stole my man could also be, he stole my woman or she stole my woman, lol.
  You’re in a relationship, marriage or you feel there’s some connection between you two. You’re happy everything is going really well then suddenly there’s a change in your partner’s behaviour; he doesn’t call as he used to, he’s always too busy to see you or something else. In some other cases, there’s no change in behaviour and then WHAM! It feels like you got a heavy knock on the head. You make a discovery via a

Sunday, February 11, 2018


  When I was a little girl, one question always boggled my mind whenever Valentine’s Day approached; ‘Who is this Valentine?’ I never got the answer until I went to a missionary school for my higher education and ran into a gorgeous book titled ‘The book of Saints’ in our Vice Principal’s office. I felt like a fat kid in a candy shop. My little mind and fingers scoured the pages and found him. (I searched for my patron saint first though. Lots of St. Frances) There’s more than a Saint Valentine. The church doesn’t really have much info on them but they all died (martyred) on February 14.
  There were three of them; One was a missionary in Africa, the second a bishop in now, Terni, Italy and the last a priest in Rome.  The second and the third are