Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Motivation Tuesday: HOLD ON

Ade was tired. Nothing seemed to be working. His mates did the same things he did and they succeeded, for him the story was

Saturday, August 18, 2018


Growing up and hearing via news and films about certain cases of people who committed murder and them saying a voice in their head told them

Saturday, July 21, 2018


  The title wasn't my speech. I was on my own trying to mind my business and my overactive ears picked up a conversation tables away.
  The lady was in tears, telling her friends about how she had caught her guy cheating; she'd found explicit chats and what not between him and other girls.
  Her friends consoled her and told her to have expected it, that all men cheat and it's in a man's nature to cheat. They are all like

Saturday, July 14, 2018


  I was discussing with a friend during the week and she asked a question ‘How do you love others without hurting yourself?’ It got me thinking a lot. I know the general rule is that ‘Love is Blind’ and ‘Love hurts’. Well, that’s the general rule, not mine. My own rules and observations in my short existence in the world of humans are that;
1)   Love is not blind. It sees the good, the bad and the ugly of the person receiving the love. Love doesn’t deceive you or pull

Saturday, June 9, 2018


  Have you ever been at a crossroad? Have you ever reached out to people around you for help and no one looked your way?
Well my post is for you.
  Femi had a dream, a passion burning within him. He wanted to pursue this dream. Everyone tried to discourage him. They said he was stupid that it would never work. He’s nobody, he’s not even a celebrity, so who would buy into his dream. Femi reached out to his friends and family members, some promised to help. He waited on them but help never came. He called and called, went to their offices, houses but they only gave him words. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and months into a year. The people he had counted on; the friends, aunties and uncles had let him down. Femi was distraught. His dream was dying before his eyes. One day,