Friday, August 15, 2014

B-ve trailer (short film)

  presents  , B-ve.

B-ve follows Ivie Okojie (9), a psychotic little boy tired of living in World War Three who is on a mission of love few days to his birthday, to save his mum from an abusive father that hates them both. Does he succeed or not?

A short film Written, Produced and Directed by debutante director and two-time Homevida award winner, Frances Okeke.
Cinematography by Tope Lawanson
With amazing actors like Paul Utomi, Divine Mesh -Masade as Ivie, Femi Amusan,Bukky Thomas,Peace Odiete, Sean Lawson and John Edeh. 

Click on the Video below to watch the trailer.

Couldn't view it? watch it on YouTube,

You can like the Facebook page;  .

Saturday, July 12, 2014


 I remember one of my favourite stories of all time ‘PANDORA’S BOX’. If you are a lover of Greek and Roman Mythology you must have heard of it. Pandora’s curiosity got the better of her and she just had to open that box and out into the world came; misery, famine, hunger, hate, sadness and everything evil  known to man was released. Looking into the box, thinking it empty but alas, one was left. One had refused to escape. It was hope.
  In everything there is always hope. Hope for a better life is what wakes you up in the morning. Hope to put forward your best to leave your mark in the world. Hope that you’d find love someday pushes you into relationships with arms wide open no matter how many times your heart gets stomped on the floor. Hope that they’d spend forever with you makes you stand at that altar and say ‘I do’.  Hope for good education, takes you to the university. Hope, that there’d be electricity makes you pay the electricity bills even though your light bulb never blinked last month.
  Hope, there is nothing as powerful as hope. Hope lifts the human spirit. Hope is the reason we all still live in this country. Hope that the missing Chibok girls would be found. Hope that Nigeria can get better. 

  Hope no matter how bleak is hope. It can be a bright burning furnace, it can be a dim matchstick light, and it is hope. Without hope, all is lost. Hope to me is what the religious sects tag as faith.
  They say without faith you have nothing, so I tell you; without Hope you are lost.
  I don’t know if you’ve ever come across the lifeless body of one who has committed suicide? That is a person who had no ray of hope.
  Please keep hope alive. No matter how bleak your future looks right now. You might look around you and you see poverty . You’ve been searching for love but you’ve been thrown to the wolves every time. You’ve been hoping for a better country but the state of your country leaves tears and disbelief in your eyes. Don’t give up. Never ever give up.
  When everything looks bleak and beyond your control, you still have control. That control is hope. Hope will never leave you. Hope has the ability to manifest from your thoughts. Imagine if every citizen stopped complaining and calling the situation hopeless but held on to believe in the future, hope. Hope, I can’t explain it is like a spirit. It brings the right things to help you manifest it your way.
  During the slave trade, the slaves hoped that someday they would be free.  They held on to it tightly. With time, freedom arrived, their hope became real. Then the generations after them hoped for equal rights, to be free and seen as human. With time, segregation was gone and blacks and whites became equal. That hope gave birth to the future which is today, that undying hope has put a black man in the White house. I’m not a preacher but that’s the power of hope.

  People can say what they will about you, about your works, and about your circumstances but only you can change it. Do you believe the picture they have painted? Or do you hold on the hope in your heart that things will change, that where you are now isn’t the you of tomorrow?
  The power lies in you. That power is how big your hope for change is. Forget what you say to others. When you sit down and listen to yourself in the silence of your heart. Do you really have hope?
  I beg you, no matter where and what you find yourself in, there’s always hope. Suicide isn’t the way out. Only you can change that situation if you believe it can change. Your mind and hope becomes you. No one, absolutely no one can take that away from you.
  Keep the hope in you alive; keep the hope in Nigeria alive.
  Don’t lose hope. Cheers to the future you and your future situation. 

Friday, May 16, 2014


  Wow! It’s been over a month already. It’s not like I never had something to say but I was angry. Ok, furious is the word. So much is going on in the country right now. A lot of things have been wrong since I was a little girl and it’s like it all got worse now I’m an adult. Every time, I sat down to right I was blinded by anger. Yes, writing with passion is great but not the kind I was experiencing. I’d just close my system and stare at the ceiling.
  Something I witnessed yesterday jarred me out of my limbo. I don’t know why the two accidents happened a day apart. I was in a public place and a man in the Hausa regalia and cap, sat down in front of me; he had a bag with him. He must have forgotten something because he told the man beside him, to please watch his bag that he’d be right back. He left immediately, leaving his back behind. The man beside me tapped the bag watcher and asked him, why he agreed to watch the bag. He screamed that the man must have left a bomb in it and found an excuse to leave it behind for us. People around agreed. Some people ran away from where we were. Others were angry. They asked the bag watcher to open the bag. He refused. Well, in the middle of all the drama. The bag owner rushed back in with a snack and sat down. I thought the matter would end then but they kept talking about his bag and bombs and boko haram in his presence. They laughed, though there was no laughter on their faces that he must be one of them. The man (bag owner) quietly stood up, picked up his bag and left. I felt ashamed. There was so much hurt in his eyes. I swear, I saw a tear about to drop.
  Then today, I went for a seminar of sorts. Anyways, there was security outside. Everyone had to show their IVs to get in. No one was being searched per se. And along comes this man in the northern regalia and his bag. He showed his IV but they stopped him. He was searched from head to toe. Like some Nigerians are subjected to by the immigration unit of some countries. They took him to a corner and I’m sure searched both his drawers and bag. I stood waiting to see what would happen. Some people around couldn’t help themselves from singing maybe the man had a bomb on him. I went in when the search was taking too long.
  I understand we can’t be too careful and all because of the recent bombings, kidnapping and what not happening.  Maybe I foresaw this in writing my short film, ‘dream poetic’. If we the adults are subjecting a particular tribe and religion to ridicule and labelling them as terrorists and what not just because of what they put on and where they come from, when we move on ,what are we telling our kids? What pace and example are we setting for the younger generation who are the future of our country? Should we because of the doings of a handful of people, condemn a multitude who are innocents?
  I went to the kiosk in my area to buy airtime and I was staggered by what a little girl said to one of the owner’s daughters. I dare not repeat it. I had to take that girl aside and talk to her.
   Should one tribe now become victims, pariahs in their own fatherland? It’s not fair. We all preach the unfairness of the sect killing and abducting people but we now go around killing people with our words and actions, killing people’s spirits much more than the sect.
  Please let’s try and not victimise a tribe. Tribalism in Nigeria has always been an issue but it’s just getting worse. Very soon, our actions would make people scared to utter they are from the north or that they are Muslims. We become their terrorists. Even if we can’t help it, let’s try for our country’s sake. The future of our country. It might look bleak now but every word we utter and action we take has the power to change the course of this country’s future. It might even be through that little boy beside you that looks up to you.
  That someone is from the north or practises Islam doesn’t make them members of any sect. Please let’s not kill people. Let’s not drag this nation down with stigmatising others. I beg every Nigerian. Agreed, it’s sad and deplorable but just imagine if you were from that tribe too or were born into it and people killed you with their words and actions in a land you called home.

Sunday, April 6, 2014



  Sometimes we look around and feel unsatisfied with where we are in life. It’s a natural human emotion to want more, to need more, to want it all. We all have complaints about one thing or the other in life. Even the richest men in the world, need and want some things in their lives. Sadly, no one’s life is perfect they say.
  Well, maybe it’s our wants and desires that make our lives seem less than perfect. With our wants always in sight, we often forget to be grateful for the things that we had and still have.
  It doesn’t mean we should compare our lives to that of others but we have the greatest gift that some don’t have; Life. We breathe, we move, we eat, we think, we stool without aid, we can run, dance and so many other things. We are hale and hearty. There is no gift in the world that beats it. Even all the money in the world, all the love in the world can’t buy life. Life is one thing everyman be he rich or poor covets. If there was an elixir to life, people would kill to have it. 
   If you think your life is in a rut, look around you to the beggars on the streets with various ailments, if that doesn’t cheer you up that your life is great, think of people you know who’ve died and others cut down in their prime. What they say is true, 'when there is life, there is hope’. You have a chance they do not have. No matter what you think that problem is, how great it seems, how depressing, embarrassing, you are alive. That problem hasn’t won you yet. When it wins is when you let it kill you and stop you from living your life. You become so obsessed with making money and gaining recognition and respect that you lose yourself and forget to actually live and enjoy the little things. Life just passes by you. You fill your life with fake appearances and people.
  Life is short ,true but it isn’t how long you lived nor how rich you were but how well you lived the life you had, especially to yourself. Did you stay true to yourself and your beliefs? 
  Your life isn’t bad, no matter how sad, dreadful, heart breaking it is. You are alive! If nothing else can cheer you up, that should. When you take a step, smile. When you put that spoon laden with food into your mouth, smile. When you pass in the loo, big smile. Take a deep breath and smile. If you are reading this, give your brightest smile. You are alive and that’s bigger than your problem, no matter what it is. Stay happy!

  If you enjoyed this post, do check out other posts such as; COMPETING WITH OTHERS. MAKING LEMONADE, UNGRATEFUL MUCH and others. Cheers!